Here is the latest on our family...

Friday, January 16, 2009

Change to swallow study

Thanks to a referral from our friend Vince, we were able to schedule a video swallow test with the woman who wrote the book on pediatric swallowing.  She also published an article in Nature that is easier to read than the Google book.  We have canceled our appointment at Evanston hospital and will be headed to Milwaukee Children's Hospital on Thursday.  

In preparation for the test, we have been giving Henry drops of milk on a spoon.  He loves the taste of milk and seems to be swallowing very well.  Starting tomorrow, we'll try a couple of drops of milk from a bottle nipple.  Although these experiments are fun for Henry and us, the real purpose is to ensure that the video swallow test will be as accurate and as brief as possible.  

Yesterday, Henry visited the ophthalmologist.  His right eye is now clear of hemorrhaging, and his left eye is nearly clear.  The spot on his fovea is still dark, but it is lighter than it used to be and so far shows to sign of scarring.  We're hopeful that this trend will continue with our next visit in six weeks.  

At the pediatrician's office today, Henry weighed one ounce less than twelve pounds and was two feet tall.  This puts him in the seventy-second percentile for weight and ninety-second percentile for height.  He received a round of vaccines that made him scream a little.  We are rare parents in that we love to hear our child scream.  

Here are some photos of Henry and guests






And here is a video of Henry taking milk from a spoon:


TheJerkMan said...

Good news all around, great to hear! Good luck in Milwaukee.

Anonymous said...

All great news! And he is more gorgeous than ever x

Marcy said...

He is looking more handsome every day. I'm happy to hear all the great news.

Denise O. Steele said...

He is so cute I bet you can hardly stand it. Great video of him taking sips of his milk. Once he is ready for solids, watch out!
